
gulputil deprecation

Opened this issue · 6 comments

Gulputil was deprecated (I'm not sure when) so now npm kills the install process.

What do I do from here?

(Using nodejs 6)

@naderabbara can you please post some output or screenshots?

I was able to reproduce the error:


@naderabbara : according to article on Medium :
This is just a warning until they resolve the problem.

I think npm probably still installed.
Try to carry on this the installation instructions if you see these files:

Took a quick look at this and it is actually an issue with gulp-decompress plugin. It has an open PR to fix the issue which then in turn should trickle up the dependancy tree and fix the issue with image-webpack-loader which league-for-good uses.

Below is a quick screenshot of where gulp-util is currently used
screen shot 2018-01-03 at 22 51 36

Thanks for the quick response all of you! I'll try to force update gulp-decompress using pieter's fork and report back tomorrow.

Sorry for the delay, had to delay due to illness.

I couldn't force an update or install over gulp-decompress so instead I copied the changes myself. Starting from a fresh install of nodejs and installing gulp-decompress from pieter's fork works as well. You might receive the deprecation warning if you do so, however npm will complete the process without any issue.

For those with the same issue try either of the above. I'll keep this open until the PR committed.

ref kevva/gulp-decompress#13