
Add the FreeBSD videos from EuroBSDCon 2019

allanjude opened this issue · 4 comments

Some of the slides are already here, some are not, but we want to have all of the videos that are about FreeBSD.

I think I got them all now. Can someone please double-check for me?

I've also noticed that some pages with layout: slides don't actually have a link to the slides. Most recently Allan's OpenZFS talk. Could someone check what's up with that?

I've also noticed that some pages with layout: slides don't actually have a link to the slides. Most recently Allan's OpenZFS talk. Could someone check what's up with that?

Turns out this is caused by too long filenames. Will fix...

This is an arbitrary limitation in hugo server. The files are created by hugo and serving public_html with python -m SimpleHTTPServer works. I added a note to about this in c4f3f32.

We're missing these slides:

  • FreeBSD and the absurdities of security compliance (Eirik Øverby)
  • CheriABI: Hardware enforced memory safety for FreeBSD (Brooks Davis)
  • Fuzzing the kernel (Andrew Turner)
  • Improving security of FreeBSD with TPM 2.0 and Intel SGX (Kornel Dulęba)
  • Porting the Robot Operating System (ROS) to FreeBSD (Trenton Schulz)

We have the slides from "An Introduction to hardware hacking with FreeBSD" (Tom Jones) but we're holding off on uploading them pending a resolution to #67.

I've poked the speakers whose slides we don't have. EuroBSDcon doesn't have their slides either.