
Weblate can't catch up automatically to the monorepository merge

cfm opened this issue · 1 comments

cfm commented

Weblate is smartly declining to fast-forward the securedrop/securedrop-client component with 522 incoming commits from this repository. I replicated this scenario on weblate-sandbox and found that:

  1. Weblate's outgoing commits now have conflicts, because they still update files under securedrop_client/locale, which now lives at client/securedrop_client/locale.
  2. We can update these paths, but then the incoming merge may conflict. (It did on weblate-sandbox, anyway, because it had a different head to begin with; let's not risk it on weblate.)
  3. We can reset Weblate from Git, but then we lose all the pending translations in Weblate's outgoing commits.

I've sketched the necessary intervention in #1742, which I'll pick up on Monday with a snapshot of weblate's database and filesystem for safety's sake.

cfm commented

If I'm right about this, we would have had to do more or less the same thing before the monorepository merge. So no harm done here: just six of one, half a dozen of another.