
Update reqwest to 0.12

Closed this issue · 3 comments

The current proxy v2 branch (#1718) has reqwest 0.11, we should update to 0.12 before releasing it. I don't want to do it in that branch since it's already so big.

When I upgrade to reqwest 0.12:

============================= test session starts ==============================
platform linux -- Python 3.11.9, pytest-7.4.4, pluggy-1.4.0
rootdir: /home/user/github/freedomofpress/securedrop-client/proxy
plugins: httpbin-2.0.0
collected 16 items                                                             

tests/ .....F                                              [ 37%]
tests/ .....F....                                           [100%]

=================================== FAILURES ===================================
_____________________________ test_cannot_connect ______________________________

proxy_request = <function proxy_request.<locals>.proxy_ at 0x7a8b6f488720>

    def test_cannot_connect(proxy_request):
        test_input = {
            "method": "GET",
            "path_query": "/",
            "stream": False,
        # .test is a reserved TLD, so it should never resolve
        result = proxy_request(input=test_input, origin="http://missing.test/foo")
        assert result.returncode == 1
>       assert (
            == '{"error":"error sending request for url (http://missing.test/): '
            + "error trying to connect: dns error: failed to lookup address information: "
            + 'Name or service not known"}'
E       assert '{"error":"er...sing.test/)"}' == '{"error":"er...e not known"}'
E         Skipping 52 identical leading characters in diff, use -v to show
E         - ing.test/): error trying to connect: dns error: failed to lookup address information: Name or service not known"}
E         + ing.test/)"}

tests/ AssertionError
_________________________________ test_timeout _________________________________

proxy_request = <function proxy_request.<locals>.proxy_ at 0x7a8b6f489760>
httpbin = <pytest_httpbin.serve.Server object at 0x7a8b6f45b590>

    def test_timeout(proxy_request, httpbin):
        start = time.time()
        test_input = {"method": "GET", "path_query": "/delay/10", "stream": False, "timeout": 1}
        result = proxy_request(input=test_input)
        assert result.returncode == 1
>       assert (
            == '{"error":"error sending request for url ( ' % httpbin.port
            + 'operation timed out"}'
E       assert '{"error":"er...5/delay/10)"}' == '{"error":"er...n timed out"}'
E         Skipping 63 identical leading characters in diff, use -v to show
E         - /delay/10): operation timed out"}
E         + /delay/10)"}

tests/ AssertionError
=========================== short test summary info ============================
FAILED tests/ - assert '{"error":"er...sing.test/)"}' == '{"error":"er...e not known"}'
FAILED tests/ - assert '{"error":"er...5/delay/10)"}' == '{"error":"er...n timed out"}'
======================== 2 failed, 14 passed in 17.60s =========================

This is fallout from seanmonstar/reqwest#2199 - it's unclear why the change was made, but we can probably keep the old behavior without too much difficulty:

diff --git a/proxy/src/ b/proxy/src/
index d1cb6563..b6e04772 100644
--- a/proxy/src/
+++ b/proxy/src/
@@ -165,10 +165,12 @@ async fn main() -> ExitCode {
     match proxy().await {
         Ok(()) => ExitCode::SUCCESS,
         Err(err) => {
+            let mut error = err.to_string();
+            if let Some(source) = err.source() {
+                error = format!("{}: {}", error, source);
+            }
             // Try to serialize into our error format
-            let resp = ErrorResponse {
-                error: err.to_string(),
-            };
+            let resp = ErrorResponse { error };
             match serde_json::to_string(&resp) {
                 Ok(json) => {
                     // Print the error to stderr

I'm not assigning this to myself because there's some Rust audits outstanding and those can be grabbed by others if there's interest (and happy to pair on them as well). Currently:

recommended audits for safe-to-run:
    Command                                    Publisher   Used By         Audit Size
    cargo vet diff atomic-waker 1.1.0 1.1.2    notgull     h2              5 files changed, 138 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
    cargo vet diff smallvec 1.11.1 1.13.2      mbrubeck    hyper           6 files changed, 108 insertions(+), 47 deletions(-)
      NOTE: mozilla trusts Matt Brubeck (mbrubeck) - consider cargo vet trust smallvec mbrubeck
    cargo vet diff tower-layer 0.3.1 0.3.2     davidpdrsn  tower           8 files changed, 390 insertions(+), 27 deletions(-)
    cargo vet diff rustls-pemfile 1.0.4 2.1.2  ctz         reqwest         13 files changed, 623 insertions(+), 241 deletions(-)
    cargo vet inspect rustls-pki-types 1.7.0   cpu         rustls-pemfile  3062 lines

estimated audit backlog: 4639 lines

Ah, thanks for offering up the chance to pair here, sorry to have missed it. Reviewing the version bump instead (and getting more familiar with cargo vet).