
Release securedrop-client 0.10.2

Closed this issue · 2 comments

This issue tracks the SecureDrop Client release 0.10.2. It will be organized by:

This will be a hotfix release based on 0.10.1, including the following changes:

  • Update signing key for Qubes 4.1 (bullseye), with same expiry as #2035

To reduce testing overhead, the securedrop-keyring package may be released independently, leaving other deployed securedrop-client packages at 0.10.1.

SecureDrop maintainers and testers: As you QA this release, please report back your testing results as comments on this ticket. File GitHub issues for any problems found, tag them "QA: Release", and associate them with the release milestone for tracking (or ask a maintainer to do so).

Test plan

See freedomofpress/securedrop-workstation#1057

Release tasks

  • Check if there are any security bug fixes waiting to be pulled into the RC
  • Check if there are any translations:
    • pending merge into main
    • pending inclusion as a supported language in
  • Update changelog
  • Create test plan
  • Refresh nightlies
  • Begin formal QA using nightlies; refresh nightlies as needed
  • Build production package in standard build environment
  • Sign production package
  • Perform final pre-flight testing using
    • Localization: In a dispVM, change your locale (e.g.: export LANG=es_ES.utf-8; dpkg-reconfigure locales), run the Client, and confirm that the application is translated.
  • Publish production package
  • Publicize release via support channels

Testing will be in conjunction with freedomofpress/securedrop-workstation#1057, see test plan in that ticket