Wrong link
wernerkeilholz opened this issue · 2 comments
When I follow the link 'Latest release' on https://freegroup.github.io/draw2d/#/examples/connection_with_contextmenu
I end up on a repository that seems to have nothing to do with this project ... ?
Is there a forum or discussion group about this library somewhere ?
I wonder if there is a router that avoids nodes.
I looked at draw2d.layout.connection.ManhattanConnectionRouter and this looks pretty much like what I'm trying to do.
However, in my use case we'd like the links to avoid existing nodes (automatically add manhatten-style bends in such a way that no line ever crosses a node).
Does that exist ?
connection router "maze" could be a good starting point.
connection router "maze" could be a good starting point.
That's very close to what I was looking for. I'd love to combine that with the Manhatten-style links...
Thanks so much for your fast answer!