
A Dashboard for FreeIPA PR-CI

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

A Dashboard for FreeIPA Pull Request CI

Note: this project is no longer being developed and the production instance was decommissioned.

A Dashboard for FreeIPA PR-CI.

A FreeIPA PR-CI is test executioner tool which can be configured to watch a Git Hub repository. This is a simple dashboard for it. Biggest benefit is an ability to see history of nightly runs and other UX simplification not available in GitHub user interface.

Intended minimal feature set is not yet implemented but the project already provides value.

How to use

As a prerequisite, install Node.JS.

On Fedora:

# dnf install nodejs

NPM with React Scripts will do the rest.

$ npm install # installs dependencies
$ npm run debug # starts backend + server with react app


Login page requires to enter GitHub token which is able to read freeipa/freeipa pull requests.

This token is store in browser localStorage. The app doesn't store any data besides the localStorage.


This project was bootstrapped by Create React App tool. For more details about React development see README-react.md


First-time prep:

# until GitHub API usage is mocked, following is needed:
$ cp src/test.config.js.in src/test.config.js
# vim src/test.config.js # and add token there


$ npm run test

Run in production

Assuming desired port is 8888.

$ npm run build
$ PORT=8888 node server/server.js

Alternatively after build:

$ npm run start

Deployed instance

This project is deployed at https://ci.freeipa.org

Philosophy behind the project

FreeIPA pull request CI runs test jobs and produces artifacts. It does not implement a GUI for viewing results as it is not its job. It's a job of this project.

In essence:

  • FreeIPA PR-CI runs a job and produces artifacts
  • It also produces metadata files containing info about the artifacts
  • Dashboard consumes the metadata files and shows in user consumable way to increase productivity of test reviewer


The intention was that it will not have a backend. But Pagure API, which is used for fetching reported tickets, doesn't support CORS. Backed which contains a simple Pagure proxy was added as a workaround for this limitation.