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Update system?
Is for renewing changelog file?
Sorry...I'm not understand it is working for...

it will update only stable releases, many web programmers are not using git, so it's basicaly like git pull, but for those, who don't have git and want to use latest stabel versions

I like this idea, so its as easy as going to update.php and clicking next?

yes, it's still in testing, so no hitting "Next" button, when you go to that address, it will update it, i just finished it and tested it, it works, i just need only some Template images and that "Next" button :D

It's great!
So "" is just for testing?
I think you can crate new branch on this repo instead of crating new account on github.
I already give you permission on this repo:)

I though what "" would be collaborating Repo, so we can add both changes, And I Hate for you to click on "Merge" on my Pull Requests :D Working on text for Updater right now.

Ok Deleting Organization... I hate it anyway :D

Is "XNovaRedesignedReProject" an organization on github?
Actually, I think it is good idea to crate one org. because we can pull code easily.
And it will look professional :D
But I will respect your decision.
Tell me you want manage code by organization or just on this rope.

I delete it, and i'm not gonna create it again! :D

HA HA...
So we just use this repo.
And you can pull code on this repo directly now? How it looks... It's not the best, but it look good... At least I think :D


Update function can work is the first.
Appearance is second...

I've pushed to stable "test" version, try to update it on our own server with Updater (recommend git pull (still on master branch) and the go to Admin Center and update it from there)

I can't see the image...

I see it

But the bigger problem just comes: how to update update system? :D

update system only update /game folder?
and I got another problem
I click update link on admin page.
The file path is "/game/update.php" not "/update.php"
The path setting seem wrong.

did you merge this? c52b2a9

git fetch
git merge c52b2a9
on your server (remote console for linux etc.)

I think (ROOT_PATH."../update.php?...") batter than ("../update.php?...")
ROOT_PATH = ""<-means path "/game"
admin file is in "/game/admin/overview.php"
update file is located "/update.php"
Or the update file must be in "/game"

"ROOT_PATH" is declared as "game/" and we want to access script from the folder before, because "game/admin/overview.php" is included into "game/index.php" with php function include() so we are actually in "game/" folder if we are in "Admin Central", and we can access directory before by writing "../" before "FILENAME", so i write it as it should be :D

Here have a problem
Notice: Undefined offset: 1 in /XNova/update.php on line 51