
Poligonal copper area between pads for net ties missing

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Please provide as many details as you can

  • What version of freerouting are you using?
  • On what platform did you run it? Windows, Linux, MacOS? 32-bit or 64-bit?
    Windows 64-bit
  • What EDA do you use? KiCad, KiCad with freerouting plugin, EAGLE, EasyEDA, other? What is its exact version?
    KiCad 7.0
  • What types of files are you working with? Can you attach the project files (.pro, .kicad_pcb, etc) or the exported DSN file?
    I started working on Freerouting from a DSN file; I cannot attach any source EDA file
  • Did you use any command line arguments?
  • Can you post a screenshot of the problem?
    yes, I'm attaching a picture showing the two different views from KiCad and Freerouting
  • Can you include the latest, related log entries from the .log file?
    yes, find the attached .log file
  • Please list the detailed steps to reproduce the problem
    create a board with some net-ties in KiCad, then open the KiCad-exported .dsn file in Freerouting
  • What would you expect freerouting to do in this situation?
    to display net-ties, i.e. to render the poligonal-based copper area between the pads
  • Is fixing this issue critical for your work?
    very critical : not rendering net-ties correctly would mean to create an interruption on the given net
    unrendered net-ties

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