
Parameterized implicits handlers

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Following this example, I just seen that these implicits should be in the library.

I am starting to use in a real project and I would have to copy and paste these implicits but in my case, using Try vs Monix.

Apart form that, in others librarys we are providing these implicits.

What do you think @fedefernandez @FPerezP ?

These implicits depend on the Session and Cluster instances and on the MonadError of monix. I agree with you, we could provide these implicits based on an existing MonadError instance:

implicit def clusterAPIInterpreter[M[_]](implicit cluster: Cluster, E: MonadError[M, Throwable]): ClusterAPI.Op ~> M = 
  clusterAPIHandler[M] andThen apiInterpreter[M, Cluster](cluster)