
CRUD operations with the CQL Interpolator

Closed this issue · 1 comments

This ticket depends on #57

We need to define how all these operations will be written with a CQL Interpolator and what features will be supported.

For example:

cql"SELECT name FROM keyspace1.users WHERE id = $myId"

Aspects to consider:

  • The interpolator should accept variables, but how are the values decoded. Currently, we have a ByteBufferCodec definition, but the instances should be available in the scope
  • What is the value type returned by the interpolator? FreeS[F, ResultSet] for the selects?

Codecs will be inferred through the embed method. See the RuntimeCQLInterpolator.

The interpolator returns the tuple (String, List[OutputValue]), where:

trait ValueSerializer {
  def serialize[M[_]](implicit M: MonadError[M, Throwable]): M[ByteBuffer]

case class OutputValue(index: Int, serializer: ValueSerializer)

We could add some implicit methods for the tuple for different transformations. For example:

def asResultSet(implicit api: LowLevelAPI): FS[ResultSet]

def as[Unit](implicit api: LowLevelAPI): FS[ResultSet]

def as[Option[User]](implicit api: LowLevelAPI): FS[Option[User]]