
Chat Module Not Working when reCAPTCHA is enabled

Closed this issue · 5 comments

Chat Module Not Working when reCAPTCHA is enabled "(reCAPTCHA) End-User Portal "Submit a Ticket" Form".

It gives below error:

Call to a member function has() on null (View: /freescout/Modules/ExtraSecurity/Resources/views/recaptcha_eup_submit.blade.php) (View: /freescout/Modules/ExtraSecurity/Resources/views/recaptcha_eup_submit.blade.php) (View: /freescout/Modules/ExtraSecurity/Resources/views/recaptcha_eup_submit.blade.php) {"exception":"[object] (ErrorException(code: 0): Call to a member function has() on null (

The chat module doesnot load and gives error when this "(reCAPTCHA) End-User Portal "Submit a Ticket" Form" is enabled.

FreeScout Version: 1.8.137
Extra Security Version: 1.0.9
Live Chat Version: 1.0.39

We can't reproduce the issue. Do you have modules updated to their latest versions? Are you using any non-official modules or cusmotizations?

Can you send the screenshot of the "(reCAPTCHA) End-User Portal "Submit a Ticket" Form" settings form.

Yes, all of my modules are updated to latest version, below is the screenshot of the form, removed the values that i have there.

Screenshot 2024-06-01 at 2 30 51 PM

In /freescout/Modules/ExtraSecurity/Resources/views/recaptcha_eup_submit.blade.php try to replace line 50 with:

@if ($errors && $errors->has('extrasecurity.recaptha'))

Yes @freescout-helpdesk
Already did that, Thanks!

Posted here so it should be fixed in next release.


Fixed in Extra Security Module v1.0.10