
CentOS 7: Missing spandsp >= 3.0

Closed this issue · 5 comments

Did the following:

  1. cloned
  2. executed
  3. executed
  4. make
  5. make install
  6. ldconfig

However, back in FreeSwitch, during configure, I am still getting:

checking for spandsp >= 3.0... configure: error: no usable spandsp; please install spandsp3 devel package or equivalent

the packages are in our repo. please check again and confirm

I am using this source (spandsp), not the repo.

conflim that the directory its installing the package config file to is in the PKG_CONFIG_PATH

I just went ahead and used the FreeSwitch repo for now. I will look into your suggestion at a later time. Maybe there should be a better guide to make sure this is set up properly?

it defaults to install to /usr/loca which is not going to be found in PKG_CONFIG_PATH by default. The packages install to /usr