Entity not related to the context
x-fran opened this issue · 2 comments
x-fran commented
cUrl command:
curl -X POST --header "Content-Type: text/n3" --header "Accept: text/n3" "http://api.freme-project.eu/0.5/e-entity/freme-ner/documents?input=Nice%20to%20be%20here%20in%20Berlin.%20Berlin%20is%20the%20capital%20of%20the%20Germany.&informat=text&outformat=json-ld&language=en&dataset=dbpedia&mode=all"
"Nice" is spotted as an entity and a location. I know it's a city in France but this is not the case in this context. "Nice to be here in Berlin. Berlin is the capital of the Germany."
This cannot be avoided. Am I right?
m1ci commented
you are right