
Command line MySpace music downloader written in BASH. (Private use only!)

Primary LanguageShell

MySpace downloader CLI v7.0

Readme date: Juil 07 2013 Contributors: lukapusic, Basile Bruneau URI: http://360percents.com/posts/linux-myspace-music-downloader/ Github: https://github.com/lukapusic/myspace-dl-cli Github: https://github.com/NTag/myspace-dl-cli


Command line MySpace music downloader written in BASH. (Private use only!)

System requirements

  • unix like system
  • wget
  • rtmpdump
  • ffmpeg is optional (to convert from flv to mp3)


  1. apply permissions: chmod +x myspace-dl-cli.sh
  2. run the file: ./myspace-dl-cli.sh artistname


  • 07/07/2013:work with the new MySpace

Known issues

<<<<<<< HEAD

  • some artists use different setup =======
  • (maybe) some artists use different setup



"THE BEER-WARE LICENSE" (Revision 42): pusic93@gmail.com wrote this file. As long as you retain this notice you can do whatever you want with this stuff. If we meet some day, and you think this stuff is worth it, you can buy me a beer in return. Luka Pusic