
Add a 'languages' partial

evanplaice opened this issue · 5 comments

languages has no partial.

  "languages": [
      "language": "",
      "level": "",
      "years": ""

Let's add a baseline languages partial. This will look a little lean/bare for the typical 1-or-2 language candidate, but that's okay, most themes will incorporate language information in the resume header or info section anyway. The baseline partial should be present for consistency.

Maybe this could be used directly in the header in some cases. For instance, in a 2 column layout.

I noticed there are a few partials missing, but this one languages is really important. I can't use a CV without a languages section. Is someone working on this @hacksalot @evanplaice ? I think it shouldn't be too difficult to implement, if no one's working on this at the moment I can try to implement it and contribute a PR.

I started playing with HackMyResume and I was very pleased with the concept, so I created a JSON with my resume, and I was going to start creating a custom theme for FRESH. Should I create a custom them for JSON Resume instead?

On my question about why should I use FRESH instead of JSON Resume, I've read this

#45 (comment)

and this

#45 (comment)

and I'd really like to use FRESH since it aims to be a superset format and keep FOSS and independent from any commercial affiliation, but in the current state it seems to be lacking some important things, like 'language' partials as discussed in this issue! :)

I've cloned this repo to add the languages partial and the language section to the positive theme, and when running hackmyresume it says it can't find sections/languages.hbs, will I have to modify hackmyresume source code to add support for new partials?