
incomplete list of command using get-command -module AnyBox

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after installing the module, it appear that the command get-command give an incomplete list:

`PS C:> get-command -module AnyBox

CommandType Name Version Source

Function Show-AnyBox 0.3.1 AnyBox`

if we do, we got mode command but the version and source is empty
`PS C:> get-command box

CommandType Name Version Source

Function New-AnyBoxButton
Function New-AnyBoxPrompt
Function Show-AnyBox 0.3.1 AnyBox`

:) not cool when trying to see what are the commands used by the module.

one more thing:
I had PSCX module, when i first execute "Install-Module -Name AnyBox" it blocked because there is a conflict on the function ConvertTo-Base64, PSCX had a function with the same name.

after removing it i can install anybox module.

thanks for the work done.

Tonic8, this should be resolved in the latest version. Also, ConvertTo-Base64 is now Get-Base64. Thanks for bringing that to my attention. Let me know if any issues persist.