
Double Click and Copy?

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When using the GridData is there a way to have expose a double click instead of having to select a item/row then click ok or another button?

As for the copy I am using the "New-AnyBoxButton -Template 'CopyMessage'" command with gridData and I select an entry/row and select copy and a prompt display that "There is no message to copy." Am I trying to use the template in a manner that it was not intended for?
-- I am wanting to copy the selection to clipboard. If more then one property is selected include the property title in the copy. I understand this may be difficult to perform.

Thanks for the updates

The CopyMessage template is meant to copy a message displayed to the user with the -Message parameter; it does not read the grid data. To copy grid data to the clipboard, I'd suggest using the keyboard shortcut CTRL+C. You could take a look at how the CopyMessage template works and use that as a guide to implement your own button with an -OnClick script that copies the selected grid data. PRs are welcome.