
Relationship from Another Relatonship Table

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Hello, I wanna ask. Is it possible to have relationship from another relationship table?
Let's say I have 3 tables: Table A, Table B, and Table C.
Table A related to Table B, and Table B related to Table C.
So, with that kind of relationship, it's possible for me to display Table B data on Table A, and display Table C data on Table B using Laratables.
Then, here comes my question. Is it possible to display Table C data on table A using Laratables?
Because Table A related to Table B, and Table B related to Table C.

Anyway, thanks a lot for creating Laratables. It helps me a lot. :)

Hi @hadyandev

As per the Readme file,

Note - The package does not support nested relationships yet. You can utilize the custom column feature to get the nested relationship data but make sure that you eager load the relationship records.

you may use custom column feature.