
Post-Update Hook (and possibly others)

anemator opened this issue · 4 comments

I currently use fresh_after_build to auto-update my Vim/Vundle plugins mostly so that when I clone my dotfiles to a new machine, everything is ready to go. The problem is that whenever I do a fresh install, Vim/Vundle starts updating. How about adding a fresh_after_update hook? Pre-Install/Update hooks may also be worth considering too. Thanks!

When would you expect fresh_after_update to be ran? Note that fresh does not track if a source file has changed or not since the last build.

Related to #106. I think we would want to implement #106 before adding any additional hooks.

My init_vim maybe relevant to your interests. I check for the existence of vundle plugins and only install if they aren’t there yet.

The fresh_after_update hook could be added to the end of fresh_update. Since fresh doesn't track updates, fresh_after_update could be used for user scripted update mechanisms, e.g. updating vundle plugins with vim +BundleUpdate +qall or pulling from an already cloned repository.

I'll probably do the same as your int_vim until something like #106 is implemented. Thanks!