
Fresh ZSH completion does not work

bjeanes opened this issue · 1 comments

~/.dotfiles ♪  fresh [PRESS TAB]...Error: Unknown command: commands

_values:compvalues:11: not enough arguments
Error: Unknown command: commands
_values:compvalues:11: not enough arguments
Error: Unknown command: commands
_values:compvalues:11: not enough arguments
Error: Unknown command: commands
_values:compvalues:11: not enough arguments
Error: Unknown command: commands
_values:compvalues:11: not enough arguments

The implementation relies on the presence of a fresh commands sub-command in the CLI, which does not appeart to exist (any more?):

fresh commands | sed -e 's/^\([^ ]*\)[^#]*# \(.*\)$/\1[\2]/' | while read LINE; do

Thanks for reporting this issue. Looks like we missed fresh commands when we re-wrote fresh in Perl.

Fixed by a586b69...1cee6dd.