Request: control microphone (eg. mute)
Closed this issue · 2 comments
SpitFire-666 commented
Would be awesome to have the ability to mute the microphone.
Currently I either have to do it via GUI (fiddly) or have access to the laptop keyboard and hit an awkward key combo. There's also no quick/easy way to check if it's muted within Windows.
dakota-mewt commented
Hi, I have a project that utilizes AudioDeviceCmdlets to do exactly what you are suggesting. The project (Mewt) interfaces with a physical button and an RGB LED via microcontrollers (Arduino, MicroBit) for the control and status feedback.
frgnca commented
Would be awesome to have the ability to mute the microphone.
It should be possible with the following command
Set-AudioDevice -RecordingMute $true # Sets the default recording device's mute state to the given <bool>