
Validating Combinations of Fields in CSV Files

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How can I perform Validating Combinations of Fields?

Validate that all combinations of the ENCOUNTER_CLASS_CODE and ENCOUNTER_CLASS_CODE_DESCRIPTION fields in the primary CSV file exactly match the data given in the validation file. The check should ensure that each pair of ENCOUNTER_CLASS_CODE and ENCOUNTER_CLASS_CODE_DESCRIPTION in the primary CSV exists in the validation.json file using enum fields.

  "type": "string",
  "constraints": {
    "required": true,
    "enum": [
  "type": "string",
  "constraints": {
    "enum": [
      "home health",
      "inpatient encounter",
      "inpatient acute",
      "inpatient non-acute",
      "observation encounter",
      "short stay",

If the ENCOUNTER_CLASS_CODE value is 'amb', the ENCOUNTER_CLASS_CODE_DESCRIPTION value should be 'ambulatory'. is it possible? Please help.