
Not updated for some time.

Closed this issue · 6 comments


This project is not updated for some time. Is there another repository?


No this is it. I wrote CryptoShark to show-case Frida's Stalker API, and haven't had time to spend on it since then, and at this point I'm hoping that others will find it useful and contribute PRs for fixes and new features.


Can it be used for android apps analysis? (native or java)

@oleavr looks like it's not currently possible to download either the binaries or the QT files necessary to compile as seems to be completely broken. Is there an alternative download location somewhere? I'd really like to try this out.

@einsteinx2 Prebuilt QML bindings are available from our releases page:

(Only for macOS for now, but it's easy to build yourself on other OSes: set FRIDA env var to point to your frida repo where frida-core has been built, then follow the standard Qt qmake steps for frida-qml.)