
Logging on close

AlexandreRoba opened this issue · 2 comments

Hello, Is there a way to prevent the dispose to log at every call such as:

flutter: ---------- Closing Stream ------ type: int
flutter: ---------- Closing Stream ------ type: String
flutter: ---------- Closing Stream ------ type: Error
flutter: ---------- Closing Stream ------ type: bool
flutter: ---------- Closing Stream ------ type: String
flutter: ---------- Closing Stream ------ type: Error
flutter: ---------- Closing Stream ------ type: String
flutter: ---------- Closing Stream ------ type: bool
flutter: ---------- Closing Stream ------ type: String
flutter: ---------- Closing Stream ------ type: PhoneInfo
flutter: ---------- Closing Stream ------ type: PhoneInfo
flutter: ---------- Closing Stream ------ type: String
flutter: ---------- Closing Stream ------ type: bool



Hello, I've just published a new version (v0.1.3) and now the console messages are disabled by default. To enable them, use the debugMode() on the object you want to check.