
Reloading JEI causes a CMod crash

Closed this issue · 8 comments

As you can see in this log after running /ct jeiReload I get a few tooltip errors that do not show up when the game is initially started and then a CMod crash which freezes my game. This might be due to the fact that I am using HEI rather than JEI and I have not had time to do much testing regarding that or maybe its just the large number of recipes in my pack. Here are the relevant mod versions I was using:

CT: 1.12.2-
ZenUtils: 1.16.3
ZRR: 1.1.5
HEI: 1.12.2-4.25.1

Here if the full log if you need it and here is my jei/jei.cfg file. My scripts are also here if you need them

I wonder why the server was stopped. Anyway, try v1.2.0, which adds progress bar while reloading JEI to avoid window freeze.

I tried v1.2.0 and it showed the bar and things seemed to load correctly, but once the bar was done and it seemed to finish reloading I got the same freeze/crash

:concerned: Can you post the new log?

Here is the log. The current issue might not be what I thought it was but the freeze/crash does still happen

That seems to give me this mixin crash

Oh, I typed wrong reference map name. missing ing

I can confirm that I was able to startup and run /ct jeiReload without my game crashing for the first time. Even the tooltip errors are gone now too.