
Extended Crafting recipes not showing

Closed this issue · 2 comments

For Extended Crafting: Nomifactory Edition

The recipes do not appear until I manually reload all the recipes every time I open Minecraft again. After that, all the recipes work fine, it's just that they're not there when I join the world for the first time each relaunch.

My script with EC recipes:

This is what I added on top of it for the reloading to work as shown above:
#loader extendedcrafting reloadable
And it worked, but after that on every new launch recipes would remain hidden until a manual reload happened.

For a different script with just craftingtable recipes I have this:
#loader crafttweaker reloadable

And everything works fine.

Log for when recipes are hidden:

Log for when I deleted the #loader line in the script, recipes no longer hidden:

Likely that I'm misusing the loaders, sorry about that in advance.

You confused #loader and #modloaded preprocessor.

tl;dr: don't use #loader extendedcrafting reloadable

#modloaded extendedcrafting

// Your code about extendedcrafting recipe modification

Thank you, I was mislead by the plugin I use showing #loader as just a comment.