
[Bug/Help] DelayManager

Closed this issue · 5 comments

I have try the DelayManager example on the wiki and MC don't import the classes.

Her is my script: (1 to 1 copy from the wiki)

// mods.zenutils.DelayManager.addDelayWork(DelayRunnable runnable, @Optional(valueLong = 1L) long delay);
import crafttweaker.event.PlayerLoggedInEvent;
import mods.zenutils.DelayManager;

events.onPlayerLoggedIn(function(event as PlayerLoggedInEvent) {
    if ( return;
    DelayManager.addDelayWork(function() {
        event.player.sendMessage("The message is shown 10 seconds after the player logs in");
    }, 10 * 20);

Error 1:
I am running a client server, so maybe there is something wrong on this script.

Error 2: §cERROR: 08Delay.zs:2 > No such member: zenutils
When I try only to import import mods.zenutils.DelayManager;

Mod is installed and shows up in Mod section.

Instance / Installed Mods:

  • Newest (commanded) Forge Version
  • Newest CT and MTLib Version

Could not reproduce it. Do you install my mod?

Error 2: §cERROR: 08Delay.zs:2 > No such member: zenutils

I don't think you have it installed.

Then I throw in all I have done yet:

I don't get this. How could this be? What do I wrong?! 😳

Why you used the oldest version?! The latest version of zenutils is 1.9.5.

EDIT: I am so stupid 🤦‍♂️
I download the wrong one all the time.

Sorry for all the trobble... will go and clean the mess up. 😓