
Improve the documentation

Opened this issue · 2 comments


Right now the tool Killgrave is using for differents companies and users, but the documentation on the repository is very poor with a very little examples. We need to improve that point to bring closer this amazing tool to more people.

Proposed implementation

The idea will be to create a doc/ directory, with an index on the main listing all the features that Killgrave have.

So inside of doc/ folder we will create a pages for this features using markdown, giving a examples of how to use the tool in each case.

In this two issues, we have examples of how to use features that doesn't have any documentation yet:

If you are insteresing on participate in this task, let us know we could create a group on discord, slack or whatever to discuss the topic and organize the documentation.

Yo I am down to help. I have experience with Github Pages (my work) and Material for MkDocs (my work)

Both of these solutions would work with creating a doc/ directory! Click on the "my work" links for examples!

Hey @nananananate,

Thanks for your interest! I'm near to publish the v0 of the new Killgrave docs page. So, once it gets published, feel free to contribute with improvements.

We'd really appreciate it! 👌🏻