
Error "Exported procedure pita:randomize/2 is not defined"

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After updating my cplint version via SWI-Prolog (pack_upgrade(cplint)), the following error is thrown for a slipcover model when running from command line on my local machine.

ERROR: /home/hakank/lib/swipl/pack/cplint/prolog/
Exported procedure pita:randomize/2 is not defined

And then - after running induce([train],P) - the following is thrown:

N. of target clauses 196

Initial theory
Warning: Undefined procedure: pita:randomize/2
Warning: However, there are definitions for:
Warning: pita:randomize/1
Warning: randomize/1

Try again now, I have updated cplint

Hi Fabrizio.

I ran pack_upgrade(cplint) in SWI-Prolog a moment ago, but it says; Package "cplint" is up-to-date'.
pack_info(cplint) says it's version 3.1.0 if that's some clue. I.e. I've still have this problem.


try with

Still the same problem.

I now noticed that the latest commit in GitHub (master branch) is the "test file for initial par" commit, from 8 hours ago. It was after updating to that version that my problem started.

It may be laoding an old version of, try this command in swipl
to see where it looks for the file.
If may look for it in another folder other that the one where the pack is installed.
Have you installed also trill? If so, that may be the problem. You need to delete from the other locations

I did pack_remove(trill) and then pack_rebuild(cplint) and now it works.


You can reinstall pack trill, it is now compatible

Excellent. Thanks!