
Relay lists management

Closed this issue · 2 comments

new PR for NIP-51 for relay lists: nostr-protocol/nips#786

We need screens for relay lists management.
Allow to choose which relay list to use for:

  • writing events
  • searching

Some ideas from fiatjaf:

then you could have

  • a relay list for writing to by default
  • other relay lists to write to in the future when niche relays become a thing
  • a relay list for reading replies to posts by default (so you can prevent reply spam by choosing only relays that don't have spam, for example)
  • other relay lists for reading replies, toggleable
  • a relay list for global
  • other relay lists for global, like in the reply case above
  • a relay list for searches
  • a relay list for fetching aggregated counts (if you're so inclined)

we can draw some inspiration from

When broadcasting a new event, should be able to choose which relay list to use for broadcasting.