
a mobile-responsive web application that can be used in school but we also bring it home because every students begin learning at home. It serves as a platform for parents to help their children to maximize their full potential. Parents could subscribe and create accounts for their children. Parents could set series of activity to hone their passion and skills, and be productive for the day. It can be for academics, for their health, for chores, etc. In exchange, children will request something to have some fruit for their hardwork because we believe that achieving small goals can be fulfilling emotionally, physically, psychologically, etc. They will always feel that they accomplished something that is what are self-esteem needs. This application can better us.

Its Problem

Goals are what makes a student grow. By achieving something, they get some sense of fulfillment. But in order to achieve our goals, we all need an inspiration. An inspiration that will give us the strength needed to accomplish what we need to do. This is where motiviation comes into action, because simply, achieving something must come with motiviation. Motivation plays a big part in our lives as a student. This is what drives us to grown even more.

But according to forbes, 40% of students lack motivation. Being unmotivated hinders us from achieving our very own goals in our lives, not just bein a student, but being a person as well. Being unable to achieve our goals deprive us from growth. This may lead to us not realizing what we are capable of, making us unable to maximize or improve our skills, which can lead to wasted potential.

So getting straight into the point, what really does makes us motivated? Well, it can be either monetary or non monetary compensations. Either way, as long as I can get something rewarding out of my work, I will stay as motivated as possible.s

That's why we built something that can actually help us with this problem that is being faced by many students today. A platform where they can stay as motivated as possible with the help of their parents/guardians while making them use their full capacity and can make them realize their full potential by making them productive. What may seem to be unachievable may probably be achievable without us, students, realizing it.

Team E-namo

Team Member

  • Malibiran, Froilan Sam S.
  • Santuico, Fritz Jerold F.
  • Yambao, Luigi Carlo V.

How to Install

  1. Fork this repository. The fork button should be at the upper right of this page. Fork it to your personal GitHub profiles. By doing so, you'll have a copy of the application in your respective profiles. To check, your URL should be like this:

  2. After forking, clone it to your local machines. Forking gives you ownership to the copy of the project, thus you'll have automatic read and write (pull and push) privileges. No need to authenticate as long as you have configured your SSH keys.

  3. After cloning, open a command line (terminal) and go to the boilerplate directory. Issue an npm install command. This will download module dependencies of the project. Note that this requires a working internet connection.

  4. After installing all the dependencies, open the .env.sample file and copy the contents of it. Create a new .env file and paste everything in there. The sample file has comments in it for each field present.

  5. Run the application using node index.js or nodemon if you have installed it (npm install nodemon -g).

Once all of those are satisfied, you should be able to see your list of users in the /parents/login route when you run the app.

Technologies Used

Programming Language

  • Javascript


  • Node.JS
  • ExpressJs


  • Mobix
  • Moment
  • Paymaya SDK