
navi as react-native router

Closed this issue · 3 comments

gut4 commented

Is it possible to use navi as react-native router?

It may be possible, but I've never tried it myself. If you do try this, you'd need to write your own integrations for e.g. deep linking and the Android back button.

gut4 commented

Looks like it can work with Navi.createMemoryNavigation and useNavigation
But there is a problem with hashScroll:

window.scroll(left, top)

So for react-native we need to disable hashScroll somehow as there is no window

I see. Seems like there needs to be an option to pass a HashScrollBehavior of none.

If you're up to submitting a PR, this should be a pretty easy change. Otherwise I'll see if I can give it a shot this weekend or next weekend.