
Android/Windows binaries problem

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i cannot make the library work in an android project, or windows too. I cannot understand the binaries logic probably

I have tried on windows to make a simple main program and simply import the dependency from maven, on android i simple imported from gradle the right architecture but in every case i get "Look for your architecture binary instructions at" if there is some guide i will appretiate

thanks a lot

You need to have 2 jars:

  • the jlibtorrent.jar (java classes)
  • the jlibtorrent-.jar (with the shared binary libraries)

You get them here:

An example If you are using gradle, for arm:

   def jlibtorrent_version = ''
   implementation files('libs/jlibtorrent-' + jlibtorrent_version + '.jar')

   // att free phones use this and crashes
   implementation files('libs/jlibtorrent-android-arm-' + jlibtorrent_version + '.jar')