
NodOn MSP-2-1-11 MicroSmartPlug

Opened this issue · 3 comments


I try to teach-in the NodOn MicroSmartPlug without any success for hours now. I hope you can help.

openHAB: 2.5.3
212 │ Active │ 80 │ 2.5.3 │ org.openhab.binding.enocean

The EEP is D2_01_0E and from the first impression the teach-in process works fine via paperUI. I have factory reset the plug prior to the teach-in so all learned ID should be gone.

Here is the log:tail.

15:23:20.879 [INFO ] [scovery.EnOceanDeviceDiscoveryService] - Stopping EnOcean discovery scan
15:23:20.887 [INFO ] [scovery.EnOceanDeviceDiscoveryService] - Starting EnOcean discovery and accepting teach in requests
15:23:24.364 [INFO ] [ternal.transceiver.EnOceanTransceiver] - Received teach in message from 0582F709
15:23:24.371 [INFO ] [scovery.EnOceanDeviceDiscoveryService] - EnOcean Package discovered, RORG UTE, payload D4A00146000E01D20582F70900, additional 00FFFFFFFF5600
15:23:24.378 [INFO ] [scovery.EnOceanDeviceDiscoveryService] - Sending UTE response to 0582F709
15:23:24.402 [INFO ] [scovery.EnOceanDeviceDiscoveryService] - Teach in response for 0582F709 with new senderId FFDEC801 (= offset 1) sent
15:23:24.412 [INFO ] [ig.discovery.internal.PersistentInbox] - Added new thing 'enocean:measurementSwitch:9d601285:0582F709' to inbox.
15:23:24.414 [INFO ] [smarthome.event.InboxAddedEvent      ] - Discovery Result with UID 'enocean:measurementSwitch:9d601285:0582F709' has been added.
15:23:27.338 [INFO ] [ternal.transceiver.EnOceanTransceiver] - Received teach in message from 0582F709
15:23:27.342 [INFO ] [scovery.EnOceanDeviceDiscoveryService] - EnOcean Package discovered, RORG UTE, payload D4A00146000E01D20582F70900, additional 00FFFFFFFF5500
15:23:27.347 [INFO ] [scovery.EnOceanDeviceDiscoveryService] - Sending UTE response to 0582F709
15:23:27.374 [INFO ] [scovery.EnOceanDeviceDiscoveryService] - Teach in response for 0582F709 with new senderId FFDEC801 (= offset 1) sent
15:23:30.347 [INFO ] [ternal.transceiver.EnOceanTransceiver] - Received teach in message from 0582F709
15:23:30.353 [INFO ] [scovery.EnOceanDeviceDiscoveryService] - EnOcean Package discovered, RORG UTE, payload D4A00146000E01D20582F70900, additional 00FFFFFFFF5500
15:23:30.359 [INFO ] [scovery.EnOceanDeviceDiscoveryService] - Sending UTE response to 0582F709
15:23:30.383 [INFO ] [scovery.EnOceanDeviceDiscoveryService] - Teach in response for 0582F709 with new senderId FFDEC801 (= offset 1) sent
15:23:33.322 [INFO ] [ternal.transceiver.EnOceanTransceiver] - Received teach in message from 0582F709
15:23:33.327 [INFO ] [scovery.EnOceanDeviceDiscoveryService] - EnOcean Package discovered, RORG UTE, payload D4A00146000E01D20582F70900, additional 00FFFFFFFF5500
15:23:33.334 [INFO ] [scovery.EnOceanDeviceDiscoveryService] - Sending UTE response to 0582F709
15:23:33.363 [INFO ] [scovery.EnOceanDeviceDiscoveryService] - Teach in response for 0582F709 with new senderId FFDEC801 (= offset 1) sent
15:23:36.328 [INFO ] [ternal.transceiver.EnOceanTransceiver] - Received teach in message from 0582F709
15:23:36.333 [INFO ] [scovery.EnOceanDeviceDiscoveryService] - EnOcean Package discovered, RORG UTE, payload D4A00146000E01D20582F70900, additional 00FFFFFFFF5500
15:23:36.339 [INFO ] [scovery.EnOceanDeviceDiscoveryService] - Sending UTE response to 0582F709
15:23:36.363 [INFO ] [scovery.EnOceanDeviceDiscoveryService] - Teach in response for 0582F709 with new senderId FFDEC801 (= offset 1) sent
15:23:39.305 [INFO ] [ternal.transceiver.EnOceanTransceiver] - Received teach in message from 0582F709
15:23:39.310 [INFO ] [scovery.EnOceanDeviceDiscoveryService] - EnOcean Package discovered, RORG UTE, payload D4A00146000E01D20582F70900, additional 00FFFFFFFF5500
15:23:39.317 [INFO ] [scovery.EnOceanDeviceDiscoveryService] - Sending UTE response to 0582F709
15:23:39.342 [INFO ] [scovery.EnOceanDeviceDiscoveryService] - Teach in response for 0582F709 with new senderId FFDEC801 (= offset 1) sent
15:23:42.310 [INFO ] [ternal.transceiver.EnOceanTransceiver] - Received teach in message from 0582F709
15:23:42.315 [INFO ] [scovery.EnOceanDeviceDiscoveryService] - EnOcean Package discovered, RORG UTE, payload D4A00146000E01D20582F70900, additional 00FFFFFFFF5500
15:23:42.321 [INFO ] [scovery.EnOceanDeviceDiscoveryService] - Sending UTE response to 0582F709
15:23:42.342 [INFO ] [scovery.EnOceanDeviceDiscoveryService] - Teach in response for 0582F709 with new senderId FFDEC801 (= offset 1) sent
15:23:45.304 [INFO ] [ternal.transceiver.EnOceanTransceiver] - Received teach in message from 0582F709
15:23:45.309 [INFO ] [scovery.EnOceanDeviceDiscoveryService] - EnOcean Package discovered, RORG UTE, payload D4A00146000E01D20582F70900, additional 00FFFFFFFF5500
15:23:45.317 [INFO ] [scovery.EnOceanDeviceDiscoveryService] - Sending UTE response to 0582F709
15:23:45.343 [INFO ] [scovery.EnOceanDeviceDiscoveryService] - Teach in response for 0582F709 with new senderId FFDEC801 (= offset 1) sent
15:23:48.292 [INFO ] [ternal.transceiver.EnOceanTransceiver] - Received teach in message from 0582F709
15:23:48.298 [INFO ] [scovery.EnOceanDeviceDiscoveryService] - EnOcean Package discovered, RORG UTE, payload D4A00146000E01D20582F70900, additional 00FFFFFFFF5600
15:23:48.305 [INFO ] [scovery.EnOceanDeviceDiscoveryService] - Sending UTE response to 0582F709
15:23:48.333 [INFO ] [scovery.EnOceanDeviceDiscoveryService] - Teach in response for 0582F709 with new senderId FFDEC801 (= offset 1) sent
15:23:51.285 [INFO ] [ternal.transceiver.EnOceanTransceiver] - Received teach in message from 0582F709
15:23:51.290 [INFO ] [scovery.EnOceanDeviceDiscoveryService] - EnOcean Package discovered, RORG UTE, payload D4A00146000E01D20582F70900, additional 00FFFFFFFF5500
15:23:51.297 [INFO ] [scovery.EnOceanDeviceDiscoveryService] - Sending UTE response to 0582F709
15:23:51.323 [INFO ] [scovery.EnOceanDeviceDiscoveryService] - Teach in response for 0582F709 with new senderId FFDEC801 (= offset 1) sent
15:24:20.886 [INFO ] [scovery.EnOceanDeviceDiscoveryService] - Stopping EnOcean discovery scan

I would expect the Plug to stop sending EEP teach-in queries after receiving a EEP Teach-in Response. That how the plug behaves when I teach-in a rocker directly. But the plug continues to send out queries. Hmm?

When I continue with the OH configuration (links, items, etc.) all is good to the point where I use the switch on the control panel. Nothing happens. So I setup a second raspi to actually see the telegrams flying through the air with node-enocean-utils.

Here's one teach-in Query and Teach-in Response dialogue.

- HEX                          |55 00 0D 07 01 FD D4 A0 01 46 00 0E 01 D2 05 82 F7 09 00 03 FF FF FF FF 30 00 13
- Packet Type                  |RADIO_ERP1 (Radio telegram)
- Device Name                  |Unknown
- Device ID                    |00000582F709
- Manufacturer                 |ID_RF
- EEP                          |D2-01-0E
- RORG                         |VLD Telegram
- FUNC                         |Electronic switches and dimmers with Energy Measurement and Local Control
- TYPE                         |Type 0x0E
- Data                         |Unknown
- Learn                        |true
- Known                        |false
- RSSI                         |-48 dBm
- CRC                          |invalid
- Sync. Byte                   |55         |55
- Header                       |00 0D 07 01|
  - Data Length                |00 0D      |13 byte
  - Optional Length            |07         |7 byte
  - Packet Type                |01         |RADIO_ERP1 (Radio telegram)
- CRC8H                        |FD         |valid
- Data                         |D4 A0 01 ..|
  - R-ORG                      |D4         |Universal Teach-In EEP based (0xD4)
  - Data_DL                    |A0 01 46 ..|
    - Uni-bi-directional comm..|01         |Bidirectional communication (EEP opeartion)
    - EEP Teach-In-Response m..|00         |EEP Teach-In Response message expected
    - Request accepted         |02         |Request accepted, deletion of teach-in successful
    - Command identifier       |00         |EEP Teach-In Query
    - No. of individual chann..|01         |1
    - Manufacturer ID          |0046       |ID_RF
    - TYPE                     |0E         |0E
    - FUNC                     |01         |01
    - RORG                     |D2         |D2
  - Originator-ID              |05 82 F7 09|05 82 F7 09
  - Status                     |00         |Original sender, 0
- Optional Data                |03 FF FF ..|
  - SubTelNum                  |03         |3
  - Destination ID             |FF FF FF FF|FF FF FF FF
  - dBm                        |30         |-48 dBm
  - SecurityLevel              |00         |0
- CRC8D                        |13         |valid
- HEX                          |55 00 0D 07 01 FD D4 91 01 46 00 0E 01 D2 FF DE C8 01 8F 01 05 82 F7 09 56 00 6C
- Packet Type                  |RADIO_ERP1 (Radio telegram)
- Device Name                  |Unknown
- Device ID                    |0000FFDEC801
- Manufacturer                 |ID_RF
- EEP                          |D2-01-0E
- RORG                         |VLD Telegram
- FUNC                         |Electronic switches and dimmers with Energy Measurement and Local Control
- TYPE                         |Type 0x0E
- Data                         |Unknown
- Learn                        |true
- Known                        |false
- RSSI                         |-86 dBm
- CRC                          |invalid
- Sync. Byte                   |55         |55
- Header                       |00 0D 07 01|
  - Data Length                |00 0D      |13 byte
  - Optional Length            |07         |7 byte
  - Packet Type                |01         |RADIO_ERP1 (Radio telegram)
- CRC8H                        |FD         |valid
- Data                         |D4 91 01 ..|
  - R-ORG                      |D4         |Universal Teach-In EEP based (0xD4)
  - Data_DL                    |91 01 46 ..|
    - Uni-bi-directional comm..|01         |Bidirectional communication (EEP opeartion)
    - EEP Teach-In-Response m..|00         |EEP Teach-In Response message expected
    - Request accepted         |01         |Request accepted, teach-in successful
    - Command identifier       |01         |EEP Teach-In Response
    - No. of individual chann..|01         |1
    - Manufacturer ID          |0046       |ID_RF
    - TYPE                     |0E         |0E
    - FUNC                     |01         |01
    - RORG                     |D2         |D2
  - Originator-ID              |FF DE C8 01|FF DE C8 01
  - Status                     |8F         |Telegram shall not be repeated, 15
- Optional Data                |01 05 82 ..|
  - SubTelNum                  |01         |1
  - Destination ID             |05 82 F7 09|05 82 F7 09
  - dBm                        |56         |-86 dBm
  - SecurityLevel              |00         |0
- CRC8D                        |6C         |valid

And here is the switch on/off dialogue that happens when i press the button on the control panel.

- HEX                          |55 00 09 07 01 56 D2 01 1E 01 FF DE C8 01 80 01 05 82 F7 09 56 00 8A
- Packet Type                  |RADIO_ERP1 (Radio telegram)
- Device Name                  |Unknown
- Device ID                    |0000FFDEC801
- Manufacturer                 |Unknown
- EEP                          |Unknown
- RORG                         |Unknown
- FUNC                         |Unknown
- TYPE                         |Unknown
- Data                         |Unknown
- Learn                        |Unknown
- Known                        |false
- RSSI                         |-86 dBm
- CRC                          |invalid
- Sync. Byte                   |55         |55
- Header                       |00 09 07 01|
  - Data Length                |00 09      |9 byte
  - Optional Length            |07         |7 byte
  - Packet Type                |01         |RADIO_ERP1 (Radio telegram)
- CRC8H                        |56         |valid
- Data                         |D2 01 1E ..|
  - R-ORG                      |D2         |Variable length data telegram (0xD2)
  - Data_DL                    |01 1E 01   |
  - Originator-ID              |FF DE C8 01|FF DE C8 01
  - Status                     |80         |Original sender, 0
- Optional Data                |01 05 82 ..|
  - SubTelNum                  |01         |1
  - Destination ID             |05 82 F7 09|05 82 F7 09
  - dBm                        |56         |-86 dBm
  - SecurityLevel              |00         |0
- CRC8D                        |8A         |valid
- HEX                          |55 00 09 07 01 56 D2 01 1E 00 FF DE C8 01 80 01 05 82 F7 09 56 00 1E
- Packet Type                  |RADIO_ERP1 (Radio telegram)
- Device Name                  |Unknown
- Device ID                    |0000FFDEC801
- Manufacturer                 |Unknown
- EEP                          |Unknown
- RORG                         |Unknown
- FUNC                         |Unknown
- TYPE                         |Unknown
- Data                         |Unknown
- Learn                        |Unknown
- Known                        |false
- RSSI                         |-86 dBm
- CRC                          |invalid
- Sync. Byte                   |55         |55
- Header                       |00 09 07 01|
  - Data Length                |00 09      |9 byte
  - Optional Length            |07         |7 byte
  - Packet Type                |01         |RADIO_ERP1 (Radio telegram)
- CRC8H                        |56         |valid
- Data                         |D2 01 1E ..|
  - R-ORG                      |D2         |Variable length data telegram (0xD2)
  - Data_DL                    |01 1E 00   |
  - Originator-ID              |FF DE C8 01|FF DE C8 01
  - Status                     |80         |Original sender, 0
- Optional Data                |01 05 82 ..|
  - SubTelNum                  |01         |1
  - Destination ID             |05 82 F7 09|05 82 F7 09
  - dBm                        |56         |-86 dBm
  - SecurityLevel              |00         |0
- CRC8D                        |1E         |valid

I assume that the teach-in process is not complete. I compared the communication with an old trace from a FHEM - Switch learn-in process and discovered the following differences in the teach-in response telegram.

Status: FHEM sends 80. OH sends 8F.
SubTelNum: FHEM sends 00. OH sends 01.

I you want i can send the FHEM trace as well.


I have the Same Plug and i confirm is broken also on OH 3.1

Hi @HarterHorst

thanks a lot for your finding and sorry for not reacting to it for such a long time. Shame on me, I was not aware of this issue.
I would gues it has something to do with the suppressed repeating 80 vs 8f. SubTelNum 00 should not be valid according to the docs. I will collect my UTE devices and try a teach in with status 80. If it still works, I would change the UTE response to allow repeating.

Best regards

@execcr Thanks a lot for your poke to this issue

this is still broken right? I was not able to teach in my switch correctly