
D2-11-02 (Thermokon SR06 thermostat with humidity)

Opened this issue · 1 comments

Please add support for D2-11-02 for Thermokon SR06. Compared to D2-11-01 that is already tested and implemented this would add the reading of humidity value.

With latest openocean v3.2.0.0 the thermostat gets a proper teach in.
I get following logs (Using UI. With first teach-in I get the deleted notification and on second teach-in try it appears in Inbox):

17:16:40.153 [INFO ] [scovery.EnOceanDeviceDiscoveryService] - Starting EnOcean discovery and accepting teach in requests
17:16:57.537 [INFO ] [ternal.transceiver.EnOceanTransceiver] - Received smart teach in from 058C4F3F
17:16:57.539 [INFO ] [scovery.EnOceanDeviceDiscoveryService] - Thing for EnOceanId 058C4F3F already deleted
17:16:57.581 [INFO ] [ternal.transceiver.EnOceanTransceiver] - Received smart teach in from 058C4F3F
17:17:14.352 [INFO ] [ternal.transceiver.EnOceanTransceiver] - Received smart teach in from 058C4F3F
17:17:14.355 [INFO ] [ig.discovery.internal.PersistentInbox] - Added new thing 'enocean:biDirRoomOperatingPanel:en_gtwy_rpi:058C4F3F' to inbox.
17:17:14.355 [INFO ] [openhab.event.InboxAddedEvent        ] - Discovery Result with UID 'enocean:biDirRoomOperatingPanel:en_gtwy_rpi:058C4F3F' has been added.
17:17:14.396 [INFO ] [ternal.transceiver.EnOceanTransceiver] - Received smart teach in from 058C4F3F
17:17:24.987 [INFO ] [openhab.event.InboxRemovedEvent      ] - Discovery Result with UID 'enocean:biDirRoomOperatingPanel:en_gtwy_rpi:058C4F3F' has been removed.
17:17:24.989 [INFO ] [hab.event.ThingStatusInfoChangedEvent] - Thing 'enocean:biDirRoomOperatingPanel:en_gtwy_rpi:058C4F3F' changed from UNINITIALIZED to UNINITIALIZED (HANDLER_CONFIGURATION_PENDING)
17:17:40.151 [INFO ] [scovery.EnOceanDeviceDiscoveryService] - Stopping EnOcean discovery scan
17:17:40.153 [INFO ] [scovery.EnOceanDeviceDiscoveryService] - Stopping EnOcean discovery scan

After this the Thing status stays as:

When pressing “Save” in UI under the thing the status goes to ONLINE, and when I add tems to channels I get some updates:

17:21:45.496 [INFO ] [hab.event.ThingStatusInfoChangedEvent] - Thing 'enocean:biDirRoomOperatingPanel:en_gtwy_rpi:058C4F3F' changed from UNINITIALIZED (HANDLER_CONFIGURATION_PENDING) to INITIALIZING
17:21:45.498 [INFO ] [openhab.event.ConfigStatusInfoEvent  ] - ConfigStatusInfo [configStatusMessages=[]]
17:21:45.503 [INFO ] [openhab.event.ConfigStatusInfoEvent  ] - ConfigStatusInfo [configStatusMessages=[]]
17:21:45.507 [INFO ] [hab.event.ThingStatusInfoChangedEvent] - Thing 'enocean:biDirRoomOperatingPanel:en_gtwy_rpi:058C4F3F' changed from INITIALIZING to ONLINE
17:21:45.508 [INFO ] [openhab.event.ConfigStatusInfoEvent  ] - ConfigStatusInfo [configStatusMessages=[]]
17:22:30.553 [INFO ] [openhab.event.ItemStateChangedEvent  ] - Item 'SR06RH_Occupancy' changed from NULL to OFF
17:22:37.825 [INFO ] [openhab.event.ItemStateChangedEvent  ] - Item 'SR06RH_TemperatureCorrection2' changed from NULL to -5 °C
17:22:42.638 [INFO ] [openhab.event.ItemStateChangedEvent  ] - Item 'SR06RH_SetPoint' changed from NULL to 20 °C
17:22:47.142 [INFO ] [openhab.event.ItemStateChangedEvent  ] - Item 'SR06RH_Temperature' changed from NULL to 26.980392156862745 °C

Correct and working:

  • Temperature
  • Setpoint Correction
  • Setpoint (Fixed to 20)


  • No update for Humidity value: NULL
  • Occupancy is OFF (The presence icon is actally with person inside the house)
  • My thermostat setting changed from having the setpoint range to having base setpoint and offset. How to change this that the thermostat would use full sepoint with teach in?

Any advice how to run further tests, should I use textual configuration (example needed)?