
any news on ESP8266?

microfx opened this issue · 5 comments


Did you manage to get it working on a esp8266? Tried it but I failed ... don't have 3,3V arduinos unfortunatley. Also I saw it's not easy because ESP only got 1 analog in - guess I gotta find my ESP32 which has two?


I never tried on a esp8266.
But my Arduino Nano runs on 5V and does not make any trouble.
I just went for it and it works fine when powering over USB and also when using the Frequens build in power source.

I have this working with an ESP8266 (a wemos D1 Mini) just fine. It works great actually. The biggest difference was that I needed to set the pins to D3 instead of just 3 (the D prefix).

As long as the power supply (the frekvens one) isn't connected, I also have no problem re-programming it. Even when the power is connected to the panel. I usually re-program it with OTA which makes things even easier.

#define p_ena 5 // D1 GPIO5 @ ESP8266
#define p_data 4 // D2 GPIO4 -> Original GPIO6 bei Arduino
#define p_clock 9 // S2 GPIO9 SDD2 -
#define p_latch 10 // S3 GPIO10 SDD3

#define p_btn1 A0 // A0 (Adafruit Feather M0) - RED button (black wire)
#define p_btn2 15 // A1 (Adafruit Feather M0) - YELLOW button (white wire)

Tried it this way...but not successful. I am bad at translating arduino to esp. I guess I try a standard arduino to see if it works at all or if I have bricked something.

using a Lolin

Tried an arduino UNO and at least a Pixel,is lighting up - when I remove 3,3v pin and reinsert the sparkle animation goes one step forward.. something is wrong - the buttons don‘t have an effect.

It works nicely on a NodeMCU ESP8266 Board without any problem.

An example below:
#define p_ena D5
#define p_data D6
#define p_clock D4
#define p_latch D3

And wire to these pins:
D5 white
D6 blue
D4 yellow
D3 green

And the brightness:
pinMode(p_ena, OUTPUT);
analogWrite(p_ena, 1020); 0..brightest,