
Simplify development

xperiandri opened this issue · 2 comments

It would be nice to switch to the default NuGet package management with Packages.props file in order to simplify development.
As currently it is almost impossible to add this repo as a submodule and use it from main project.

Ideally type provider would be referenced as NuGet but the Bolero and HTML projects included as project references so that I can modify core and then submit PRs

How about building local NuGet packages and using those in your test project?

Tarmil commented

Yes, the build script (build.ps1 -t pack), when run locally, creates each time a package with an incremental version suffix -local.1, -local.2, etc. So you can add Bolero's build output folder as a NuGet source in your project, and do a NuGet update to try a new build. That's how I usually work with a local Bolero build for another project.