
Missing template

rolandf opened this issue · 2 comments

I added automations and cms_automations in INSTALLED_APPS.

Then when trying to migrate I got the following exception.

django.core.exceptions.ImproperlyConfigured: CMS Plugins must define a render template, a get_render_template method or set render_plugin=False: <class 'automations.cms_automations.cms_plugins.AutomationTaskList'>

I'm using django 3.2.15 and dcms 3.11.

This looks like that the plugin is missing get_render_template and the template is assigned in the render method which is bad practice.

Fixed by 5b977cf. You'd need to install from the repo to test:

pip install git+https://github.com/fsbraun/django-automation@master#egg=django-automation

I am not sure why this did not pop up earlier though.