
Moving window for many monitor makes slow and uncontrolled

uucokgis opened this issue · 0 comments


Version / OS

  • azul version:
    azul 0.1.0

Steps to Reproduce

You need to have 2 monitors for testing
After adding dependency for azul with git url,
Copied these code which can be obtained from azul.rs:
`extern crate azul;

use azul::prelude::*;
use azul::window::WindowIcon;

struct MyDataModel { }

impl Layout for MyDataModel {
fn layout(&self, _: LayoutInfo) -> Dom {

fn main() {
let mut app = App::new(MyDataModel { }, AppConfig::default()).unwrap();
let options = WindowCreateOptions::default();

let window = app.create_window(options, css::native()).unwrap();


After run the program, drag the window between 2 monitors. You'll realize that probably azul window is looking for resolution of the monitor and when you move it to another montior, it has been slowly and monitor size has changed.