
Cannot build with `error[E0308]: mismatched types` in azul-text-layout using x86_64-pc-windows-msvc toolchain

Closed this issue · 2 comments

usagi commented


Some part of Azul's build system is broken maybe. I tried build Azul with a minimal bin-crate but I got these 9 errors in belows:

Pattern 1: expected i32, found i64 ( x3 errors )

309 |         let error = FT_New_Memory_Face(ft_library, font_bytes.as_ptr(), buf_len, font_index as i64, &mut ft_face);
    |                                                                         ^^^^^^^ expected `i32`, found `i64`
help: you can convert an `i64` to `i32` and panic if the converted value wouldn't fit
309 |         let error = FT_New_Memory_Face(ft_library, font_bytes.as_ptr(), buf_len.try_into().unwrap(), font_index as i64, &mut 
    |                                                                         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Pattern 2: expected i64, found i32 ( x6 erroes )

error[E0308]: mismatched types
333 |             x_scale: metrics.x_scale,
    |                      ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ expected `i64`, found `i32`

And, you can see the all errors in here(gist) -> https://gist.github.com/usagi/cf130471216f05aaaf3eed93bd78a462

Version / OS

  • azul version: 17b76b0 ( azul = { git = "https://github.com/maps4print/azul" } )
  • Operating system: Microsoft Windows 10 ( 64-bit ) 10.0.19041.113

Steps to Reproduce

  1. cargo new a
  2. cd a
  3. Append line azul = { git = "https://github.com/maps4print/azul" } in the [dependencies] section in the Cargo.toml.
  4. cargo build

Additional Information

I think, it is very similar problem in these:

  1. #203 (comment)
  2. #163 (comment)

But #203 and #163 is the Harfbuzz issue and it's cleared at least the main problems. And, I tried add the msvc's cmake.exe path to PATH environment, and checked using where.exe, and removed the other CMake installs but the problem is not solved. 😢

usagi commented

Additional researchAdditional informations:

  • I checked built freetype.lib's memory model: dumpbin /headers freetype.lib in the target directory -> 8664 machine (x64); The building of the native library level has no problems.
usagi commented

I found the factor. I'll PR in near future about the issue. I think, the factor is complexed windows and msvc's memory layout model (LLP64) but the solution is a little fixing for azul. Wait a moment please. 👍