
stand alone executable

Closed this issue · 5 comments

nkh commented

Hi, could you make it clear how to build/get a stand alone command for us non js folk?

That would help making cool images without relying on an internet connection.

svg2roughjs (2)

fskpf commented

I've added instructions on how to build the project locally now: https://github.com/fskpf/svg2roughjs/tree/master#local-build. Other than that, you can also obtain the current build from (e.g.) unpgk: https://unpkg.com/browse/svg2roughjs@latest/

The current implementation relies on the DOM implementation of the browser. Therefore it needs to run in a browser (or in something with a DOM implementation).

To create a self-contained executable, it might work to bundle it with a (headless) browser and provide some kind of CLI. Otherwise, the core implementation would need to be changed.

nkh commented

HI, and once I have run the commands above, how do I run it in a browser?

fskpf commented

You could set up a simple HTML file, including the UMD bundle as described here.

Here https://jsfiddle.net/bc4ywxs2/ is also a minimal running example, where you could just replace the unpkg.com reference with the local UMD bundle.

Alternatively, use the provided sample-application of the project, i.e.

> cd .\sample-application\
> npm install
> npm run dev

This starts a Vitejs server that serves the sample application on http://localhost:5173/. However, note that the sample application directly depends on the /src/ files (see the import here) and not the build artifacts in /dist/.

For a more in-depth guide on how to use npm packages in general, please have a look at one of the many NPM or web-dev guides, for example, https://www.impressivewebs.com/npm-for-beginners-a-guide-for-front-end-developers/ or https://css-tricks.com/a-complete-beginners-guide-to-npm/.

fskpf commented

I've added a simple Node.js CLI with Puppeteer to the project: https://github.com/fskpf/svg2roughjs/tree/master/nodejs-cli

It is still not a standalone executable but maybe this can be packaged like one, Idk. However, for now, it can be used with Node.js, e.g.,

node nodejs-cli/src/svg2roughjs ./test/complex/bpmn-diagram/test.svg -o ./test.svg

To create a sketch from the given SVG file (see the README for its usage). Didn't test it much, though.

nkh commented

@fskpf fantastic, that's easy enough to throw in a shell script.