
Fat dwplot margins?

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bshor commented

I am displaying the model coefficients of 11 separate models in a single dotwhisker plot. I do so with tidy'ing up a list of models. So far so good. I get the plot to display but there's just lots of space above and below the dots and whiskers that I'd like to get rid of.

Here's the code I use to generate the tidy table of coefficients.

coefs<-purrr::map_df(lpm.envir, broom::tidy, .id = "model")  %>% 
      filter(term == "wa") %>%

Here's what I mean:


What can I do to tighten up the space?

BTW: I do wonder whether choosing a single term from the 11 models is what's causing this.

One more question on this plot: I'd like to annotate the plot lines with geom_text(). But I don't know what y values to pass into it if I'm plotting a single predictor from multiple models...