
signedUrls are coming back as 404 b/c they appear to be missing some url segments

scottpatrickwright opened this issue · 2 comments

When I get a signed url back from fake gcs it seems to be missing the api version /v1, the bucket segment /b, & the object segment /o

This is what I get back from fake gcs when I ask for a signed url:

// I am seeing a 404 ❌

This url has the missing segments manually added in:

// after I add the missing segment in this comes back as 200 👌

I would expect that the signedUrl would be able to be hit normally.

(Thanks for the excellent package!)

fsouza commented

URL signing is client-only, I'm surprised that the behavior is different when using the emulator. Can you share a reproducer?

I had the same issue and solved it by passing -public-host localhost