
Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory,

vanarok opened this issue · 7 comments

prettierd after "prettierd restart" only worked for 1-2 minutes and did not work anymore.

I not have time to figure out what happened, i rolled back to version 21.1

Hmm it's weird that it's trying to open a file called 1. Not sure what's going on 🤔

Will leave it open and see if someone else can gather more information to share. Thanks for reporting!

I'm having a similar issue where running prettierd with 0.22.2 sometime causes TypeError [ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE]: The "path" argument must be of type string. Received an instance of Object


$ node -v


$ prettierd --version
prettierd 0.22.2


pkill prettierd

and then cat package.json| prettierd package.json seems to work. ill observe for a while to see If i can reproduce 🤔

@qwexvf yeah, that one was a one-time thing during the deployment, as 0.22 changed the communication protocol between the client and the server, so after an upgrade a restart of the server was necessary. I have a TODO item on how to detect a difference in version and automatically restart the server.

@fsouza Cool! after some digging I can confirm that it all I needed was a restart for the server!
Thanks for letting me know!

I no longer have this problem on the latest version of prettierd.