
.prettierd file in $HOME

christopher-lawrence opened this issue · 1 comments

My prettierd was not formatting correctly after the most recent change--v0.23.2. I checked the change log and noticed the new runtime folder location. I had a .prettierd in my $HOME folder, but it was a file, not a directory. Once I removed the file and restarted neovim everything worked as expected. The .prettierd directory was created and is being populated.

I'm not sure if this was my fault or if this is directly related to the recent changes with the location of the runtime files--I've been doing an overhaul on my neovim setup lately. Looking at the changelog I can not see where this file would have been created.

It might be worth adding a check to see if the .prettierd in $HOME is a folder and not a file.

fsouza commented

Hmm yeah that's a good point. I wonder if we should warn the user and ask them to kill older prettierd instances or simply remove the file.

Simply removing is bad because it'll leave a "zombie" prettierd process behind. Alternatively, we could change the configuration to use something like .prettier-data instead of the previous file name.