
Vertical stripes during signal transmission at -s 16000000

nerevist opened this issue · 4 comments

I transmit an analog signal using the HackTV build for Windows.
Both the fsphil assembly and the Captain Jack assembly have vertical stripes.

This seems to be an issue with recent revisions of the hackrf hardware.
Can you run hackrf_info and copy the output here?

Huh, I was sure hackrf_info showed the board revision, but I don't see it there.
Anyway, the hackrf r9 is known to have those lines at certain sample rates, including the default of 16 MHz. Try using different sample rates, such at 15 or 17 MHz.

Try using different sample rates, such at 15 or 17 MHz.

On 15 MHz all normal, but on 17 MHz picture and sound bugged