
Error in workflow 'fspinilIo.aIfredv2.digitaIocean'

Closed this issue · 2 comments

After i set my token with dotoken i get the following error message.


Error in workflow 'fspinilIo.aIfredv2.digitaIocean'
local variable ‘api_key‘ referen»ced'before assignment

Hi Emil, I just checked on my machine (fresh install of the workflow) and was able to call sshot from Alfed.

Can you open keychain access and search for 'digitalocean' to make sure it's set. If it's there, verify you selected read/write access when generating your token.

If that still doesn't work can you open Alfred preferences, select the Digital Ocean workflow and turn on debugging. Then run the workflow again and send me a gist of the error.


I reinistalled the worklflow. It works now, thanks!