
No Support for SASS/SCSS OOTB?

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Why isn't there support for SASS/SCSS out of the box? Shouldn't that help make css more readable?


Why isn't there support for SASS/SCSS out of the box?

Mostly personal preference. The things I use this boilerplate for usually are not complex / big enough to warrant using scss out of the box. I can see that it is sth. that many people expect from a boilerplate though.

Shouldn't that help make css more readable?

In theory yes. Working on larger projects with a lot of contributors I found that this is not necessarily the case all the time. Especially SASS' nesting support is sth. that can lead to a lot less readable code when not careful.

Mostly personal preference

Okay, I want to integrate SCSS into my workflow, i will be installing node-sass as dependency and adding task after


In theory, it should be sufficient to pipe node-sass into postcss like node-sass index.scss | postcss .... and adjust the watched files. I have not tried this yet though. Let me know if that works and I will add it to the README