
Php 7.4

sineld opened this issue · 9 comments

Please update included php-cs-fixer and add @PSR7 compatibility.

You can use whatever version of php-cs-fixer you want. You can add to settings.json:

"vscode-php-cs-fixer.toolPath": "/path/to/bin/php-cs-fixer",

Thanks for the heads up on this! I'll be pushing an update to the extension over the next day or two.

A pull request was made for this: #11
Waiting for @fterrag approval

mludi commented

I'd love to see this feature soon.

Waiting for this too

While we wait for #11 to get merged, if you need to use this extension with PHP 7.4, go ahead and download/install php-cs-fixer following the directions here - https://github.com/FriendsOfPHP/PHP-CS-Fixer#installation.

Then under the php-cs-fixer extension settings, set the "Tool Path" to where you installed PHP CS Fixer. I installed it globally with Composer so my path is /home/USERNAME/.composer/vendor/bin/php-cs-fixer.

Has anyone tried this on Windows 10? I changed my setting to
also tried with .bat file. Neither worked, the error about PHP7.4 is gone, but now nothing happens. No log, no formatting.

php-cs-fixer has been updated to the latest version.